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Insr Insurance - Historiska Nyckeltal Börsdata

Aktien har ett P/E-tal på -0.2 och P/S-tal på 0.1 baserat på vinsten och omsättningen för de senaste 12 månaderna. Insr Insurance (NO) utdelning och direktavkastning 10 Years of Experience from Insurance Management in Germany. Regional Director for HDI Global SE. Marika Wærn. Board Member. Investor & advisor. Owner & Funder of Russia’s first B2B interior landscaping company. Board Member of Assently, Woilá and ZmartBag.

Insr insurance

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Det var i måndags som en extra bolagsstämma i INSR Insurance Group fattade beslut om att godkänna överlåtelse av större delen av bolagets verksamhet till Storebrand. Ett annat Read more » Insr is in a special situation, with the task of and focus on winding down the insurance business. The key parts in that process are to transfer all customers to new insurance carriers, transfer data to the relevant parties and close all business relationships. The net result in Q4 2020 is positive at NOK 17.6 million. INSN Teknisk analys.

Störste ägare är för närvarande Investment AB Öresund som vid det senaste kvartalsskiftet hade knappt 25 procent av aktierna.

RE: Öresund: INSR kan bli en av våre store vinnere i år

Insr Insurance Group ASA (OSE: INSR) announces results for second quarter and first half year 2020.. A presentation of the results by the Group's senior management will take place today at 08:30 CET - see details below.. Financial Results. The continued Norwegian business delivers a profit of NOK 11 million in the second quarter, before writing off goodwill, showing Insr Insurance Group ASA updates on its insurance wind-down process and financial outlook.

Insr insurance

INSR Insurance Group fd. Vardia #HemmaHos - YouTube

Insr insurance

Insr insurance  Binding of insulin to the insulin receptor (INSR) stimulates glucose uptake. Two transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found  Aktien Insr Insurance Group med ISIN-beteckning NO0010593544. Listad som INSR på OMX Oslo.

Insr is in a special situation, with the task of and focus on winding down the insurance business. The key parts in that process are to transfer all customers to new insurance carriers, transfer data to the relevant parties and close all business relationships. The net result in Q4 2020 is positive at NOK 17.6 million.
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Insr insurance

Idag erbjuds ett brett utbud av försäkringslösningar särskilt inriktade mot fastighetsförsäkring, olycksfallsförsäkring samt kredit- och livförsäkring. 2020-12-16 · Insr Insurance Group ASA was established in 2009 and is an independent insurance group listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange, with headquarters in Oslo. The Company’s main focus is on the market for property and casualty insurance for the retail and small enterprise segments in Norway. Visa INSR INSURANCE GRP-diagram live för att se aktiens kursutveckling. Hitta marknadsprognoser, finansiella INSR-data och marknadsnyheter.

This represents a … Insr Insurance Group ASA Østensjøveien 43, 0667 Oslo 994 288 962 THIRD QUARTER 2020 _____ INSR INSURANCE GROUP ASA Insr Insurance Group ASA, formerly Vardia Insurance Group ASA, is a Norway-based insurance company. It primarily sells and distributes insurance products in the private and small and medium enterprise (SME) markets in the Nor dic countries.
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Insr Insurance Group ASA - Detaljinformation

Köp aktien hos de populära nätmäklarna  Insiderbrott · Insiderkoll · Insplanet · Insplorion · Insr · Insr Insurance Group · Instacart · Instagram · Instalco · Insynstransaktioner · Integration  Insiderbrott · Insiderkoll · Insplanet · Insplorion · Insr · Insr Insurance Group · Instacart · Instagram · Instalco · Insynstransaktioner · Integration  Insurello. Köp Insr Insurance Group (INSR) aktier - Nordnet . — Simen bora Inga Bind 1lge ya Insr Insurance Group är ett norskt försäkringsbolag  Guided by our values of transparency, accountability, challenge, and collaboration we build a plug and play insurance platform that makes it easy for companies to sell insurance. Industry Leaders And Startups Choose Insr Find more about the insurance solutions that MAPFRE Insurance provides for your car, properties and your beloved ones Know all our insurance products here Insr is guided by a leadership team with experience from insurance industry transformation.

Insr Insurance Group Asa 502085-5069 - SYNA

This is a result of the strategic review announced on June 29, 2020, when Insr had been notified that the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority (the "NFSA") considered withdrawing Insr’s license to operate. Aktieägare i de relaterade bolagen äger också aktier i Insr Insurance Group. Andelen 9 % anger hur många av Solstad Offshore-ägarna som även har Insr Insurance Group i sin portfölj.

Aktivt. branschkod (SNI). 65120 - Skadeförsäkring.